Pushed Into the Deep End

As I was growing up, I never really learned how to swim. Sure, our mom would take us places to “swim” like Potato Creek State Park. But my idea of “swimming” was me laying face first in the water, kicking my feet while I moved my body by walking my hands on the bottom of the lake. If you measured swimming by that method, I was an Olympian.

By the time I reached the end of the eighth grade, I still hadn’t learned how to swim. But that didn’t stop me from going to the eighth grade graduation pool party I was invited to. I wasn’t really nervous about going because I had planned on hanging out on the deck around the pool and chilling in the shallow end. After being dropped off, I walked around to the backyard saying hi to everyone with my towel draped over my neck and shoulders. As I was getting ready to take my shoes off and say hi to the next person, I noticed them flinch and back away from me quickly. And in the next instant, I found myself falling into the deep end of the pool.

I went straight to the bottom and then pushed myself up to the top and tried to yell for help. But before I could get the words out, I found myself back under water. I started to kick and reach up to the surface of the water and barely raised my face out to get a little bit more air before I went back under. As I went back under, I noticed another kid coming towards me and I frantically reached out for him, yelled, “help me” with a mouth full of water, grabbed his arm and brought my face out of the water. I don’t think about this that often, but there hasn’t been another time where I’ve been that close to death. Had that kid not been there for me to reach out to save me, I’m not sure how this story would have turned out.

The Bible is filled with stories of people being saved and/or healed. One of them that I want to talk about briefly is found in Matthew chapter 14, verse 30. Check it out:

But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Matthew 14:30

You see, just before Peter got out of the boat to walk on water, Jesus had sent His disciples ahead of him to go across the lake. And while the disciples were on the water in the boat, Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. And when the disciples saw this, they were terrified. But Jesus said, “Hey, it’s Me! Don’t be afraid.” But Peter was like, “If it’s really you Jesus, then tell me to come out to You on the water.” And then Jesus was like, “Fine. Come.” So, Peter stepped out of the boat and started to walk on water towards Jesus. But as he was walking, he started to look at the wind picking up, took his eyes off of Jesus and started to sink.

And this is where we find Peter in Matthew 14, verse 30. Sinking in a huge lake, crying out to Jesus to save him. I wonder what it really looked like back then. I wonder if Peter started to flail his arms around. I wonder if when he yelled for Jesus to save him if he had a mouth full of water like I did. And like we find Peter here in Matthew 14, I wonder if this is the exact place you find yourself in too. You may not be on a literal lake, but you find yourself sinking in life… in the grave of your own sin. And you’ve heard of this Jesus who saves, but you’ve never reached out to Him yourself. Reach out to Him today and ask Him to save you from your sin… your doubt… from yourself. And He will be faithful to forgive you and save you. 1 John 1:9 says,

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

You see, Jesus asked Peter to come out to Him, not only that Peter might walk on water so that He would know the power of Jesus, but that Peter would also know his own weakness. God often lets His followers have our choice, to humble us and to show us the greatness of His power and grace. When we look away from Jesus and look at the greatness of our difficulties and circumstances, then we too will begin to sink in our despair. But when we call on Jesus, He will be faithful to stretch out His hand to hold us up. I don’t know what’s going on in your life today, believer. But I do know this, when we keep our eyes on Jesus, read His Word and pray to Him daily, His grace and peace and mercy will overflow within our life. That’s His promise to us who believe in Jesus and have been saved by Him.

Jesus is the great Savior. For those of us finding ourselves sinking in the deep end, if we cry out to Him to save us in our deep sense of need, He will be faithful to pull us up out of the deep to Him.

**If you prayed and accepted Jesus as your Savior today, or if you recommitted your life to Him, I’d love for you to shoot me an email or a direct message on one of my social channels to hear about your decision and to help walk you through your next steps.