For 23 years I’ve worked with students and families in some form or another… as a student pastor, juvenile probation officer, director of a Boys and Girls Club, and I currently have my own teenagers (did I just say that? I have teenager(s)… not just one, but two!?) During those 23 years it was always my goal to help them find Jesus, find what worked when it came to their life, their relationships, their interests, etc., and to help them find what they’re gifted in and run with it. It’s what makes my heart beat fast. It’s one of the things I still love to do. Deep down, my heart beats to help people… to help people find and grow in their relationship with Jesus, and to help families connect to each other and Jesus together.
In my spare time, I also take photos… you can find my work here: Todd Ruth Photography
And, for the past year or so, I have also owned and operated a marketing and advertising firm: Savvy Social.