Some Things Students Secretly Want You to Know

In case you haven’t noticed, kids and students are an interesting group.

I’ve worked with students and their families for nearly 23 years. Students are particularly good at putting up a front – letting you see what they want you to see. As parents, youth workers, etc. it’s our job to see past that front.

While there is a danger of stereotyping every student, or clumping every student together when making a list like this, as I’ve looked past the many fronts of many different students. These are some of the things that students secretly want you to know as you interact with them:

I am more than the style I represent

Even though I buck authority, I want your approval 

It means a lot when you encourage me

I have gifts and abilities now to make a difference in the world today

I have dreams and visions for what I want to do with my life

There are times where I am confused and really want your help even though I say I don’t

I need you to set an exceptional example to follow

The words you say to me have the power to direct the direction of my life

Even though I pretend not to, I do notice the little things you do

I want someone to believe in

I want someone to believe in me

Even though I don’t always like it, I do want you to hold me accountable

I want someone to challenge me to greatness

Even though I put up a front, I want you to work to get to know the real me

These are just a few. There are more. As I write and read these words, I’m picturing moments in my own kids lives where I know I forgot about the above. If you have kids, or work with kids, let this be a reminder as you walk with them each day.

Now it’s your turn. What are other things that students secretly want us to know about them. Ready. Set. Comment.